Hurricane season has arrived in the Caribbean! For smalls and medium businesses in the area could mean dangerous. Investing in companies like Xynergie can save you a lot more money than trying to recover on your own after a disaster.
First, it is crucial to have a plan involving your business operations, technology, equipment, and even your employees. What's the first thing you think about when a storm has passed? How can I recover from these? Right? Any business owner must want to be up and running in no time and developing a plan can help you get back up on your feet.
Here are some tips that can help you start preparing for hurricane season.
Have a disaster recovery plan, test it, and solve any hazard that may appear.
Identify any equipment that is at risk and move it to a safer place.
Think about what data or software you want to recover fast after the hurricane pass.
Establish emergency communications with your clients and staff.
Make sure to monitor any active equipment that must be on 24/7 during the events.
Ask yourself, is my organization prepared? These are some of the basics steps you can follow to start.
Start early! To ensure continuity and productivity, explore what services we offer for hurricane season.